Time Clock Calculator

Entery the time in 12 hours format and at end add AM or PM.

About Time Clock Calculator.

A time clock calculator is a useful tool that can help calculate the number of hours worked between two time periods. This can be especially useful for employers who need to keep track of the number of hours worked by their employees or for employees who need to keep track of their own hours for payroll or scheduling purposes.

The time clock calculator can be easily implemented in HTML and JavaScript, as demonstrated by the code examples provided above. The calculator takes two time inputs (start time and end time) and calculates the difference between the two to determine the total hours worked.

For example, imagine an employee works from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with a lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. The time clock calculator would take the start time of 9:00 AM and the end time of 5:00 PM, and subtract the hour of lunch break to calculate the total hours worked. In this case, the calculator would show that the employee worked a total of 7 hours.

This type of calculator can be especially useful for businesses with hourly employees or for employees who work freelance or part-time jobs. It allows for easy and accurate calculation of hours worked, which can be used for payroll purposes or to track overtime hours.

Overall, the time clock calculator is a useful tool for both employers and employees and can help simplify the process of calculating work hours. It is easy to implement in HTML and JavaScript and can be customized to fit specific business needs.


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