Mortgage Amortization Calculator

Enter the loan amount, interest rate, loan term, and start date to calculate the monthly payment and amortization schedule:

Payment Number Payment Date Payment Amount Principal Interest Remaining Balance

About This Mortgage Amortization Calculator.

A mortgage amortization calculator is a tool that helps home buyers understand how their mortgage payments are structured over time. The mortgage amortization calculator by is an online calculator that helps users understand the impact of different loan terms, interest rates, and payment schedules on their mortgage payments. This calculator is user-friendly and easy to use, making it a popular tool for home buyers and real estate professionals.

Benefits and Uses:

The mortgage amortization calculator by can be used for a variety of purposes. Some of the most common uses include:

Mortgage Planning: Home buyers can use the mortgage amortization calculator to plan their mortgage payments and determine how different loan terms, interest rates, and payment schedules will affect their monthly payments.

Refinancing: Homeowners can use the mortgage amortization calculator to determine whether refinancing their mortgage would be beneficial based on the potential savings in monthly payments and total interest paid.

Debt Consolidation: Homeowners can use the mortgage amortization calculator to determine whether consolidating their high-interest debt into a mortgage would be beneficial based on potential savings in interest payments.

Real Estate Investment: Real estate professionals can use the mortgage amortization calculator to help clients determine the financial impact of different mortgage terms and payment schedules on their investment properties.


Here are some examples of how the mortgage amortization calculator by can be used:

A home buyer is considering a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with an interest rate of 4.5%. Using the mortgage amortization calculator, they can determine their monthly payments, total interest paid over the life of the loan, and the impact of making additional payments to pay off the loan faster.

A homeowner is considering refinancing their 15-year fixed-rate mortgage with an interest rate of 5% to a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with an interest rate of 3.5%. Using the mortgage amortization calculator, they can determine their monthly payments, total interest paid over the life of the loan, and the potential savings in monthly payments and total interest paid.

A homeowner is considering consolidating their high-interest credit card debt into a mortgage. Using the mortgage amortization calculator, they can determine whether consolidating their debt into a mortgage with a lower interest rate would result in significant savings in interest payments.


The mortgage amortization calculator by is a powerful tool that can help home buyers and real estate professionals understand the financial impact of different mortgage terms, interest rates, and payment schedules. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionality, it is a popular choice for anyone looking to plan their mortgage payments, refinance their mortgage, consolidate their debt, or invest in real estate. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned real estate professional, the mortgage amortization calculator is an essential tool that can help you make informed financial decisions.


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