Cap Rate Calculator

Enter the net operating income (NOI) and property value to calculate the cap rate:

About This Cap Rate Calculator.

The cap rate calculator is a useful tool for real estate investors who are looking to evaluate the financial performance of a property investment. Cap rate, short for capitalization rate, is a commonly used metric that measures the annual return on investment of a property based on its net operating income (NOI) and current market value.

The cap rate calculator works by taking in the net operating income and the current market value of a property and calculating the cap rate, which is expressed as a percentage. The cap rate can then be used to compare the financial performance of different investment properties, to determine whether a property is undervalued or overvalued, and to make informed investment decisions.

For example, let's say an investor is considering purchasing a rental property for $500,000 with an annual net operating income of $50,000. To calculate the cap rate, the investor would divide the net operating income by the property value and multiply by 100 to get a percentage:

Cap Rate = (Net Operating Income / Property Value) x 100
= ($50,000 / $500,000) x 100
= 10%

This means that the property has a cap rate of 10%, which is considered a decent return on investment. However, if the investor were to find another property with the same net operating income but a lower purchase price of $400,000, the cap rate would be higher:

Cap Rate = (Net Operating Income / Property Value) x 100
= ($50,000 / $400,000) x 100
= 12.5%

This means that the second property has a higher cap rate of 12.5%, indicating that it may be a better investment opportunity.

Overall, the cap rate calculator is a simple yet powerful tool that can help real estate investors make informed investment decisions based on the financial performance of a property. By using the cap rate to compare different investment opportunities, investors can ensure that they are making the most of their money and maximizing their returns.


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