Simplifying Radicals Calculator

About This Simplifying Radicals Calculator.

This calculator allows the user to input a radicand (the number under the radical sign) and then simplifies the radical if possible by factoring out perfect squares.

Here's how the simplification process works:

The radicand is first factored into its prime factors.

The factors that are perfect squares are then extracted from the radicand and multiplied together, leaving the remaining factors under the radical sign.

The result is expressed as a product of the extracted factors and a square root of the remaining factors.

For example, suppose a user needs to simplify the radical sqrt(72). Using the Simplifying Radicals Calculator, the user would enter the value of 72 for the radicand, and the calculator would simplify the radical as follows:

72 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3
sqrt(72) = sqrt(2^3 * 3^2)
= sqrt(2^2 * 2 * 3^2)
= 2 * 3sqrt(2)

Therefore, the simplified radical is 6sqrt(2). Overall, this calculator provides a simple and convenient way for users to simplify radicals and work with expressions involving radical notation.


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